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Finding Balance

There is a saying that goes something like this- I know exactly where balance is, I see it every time I swing past it!( Not word for word but I am sure you get the point!) I am in a constant state of trying to find balance as I am sure are lot of you. I think we are always seeking balance and once you get a little glimpse of it- gone, for our lives constantly change and evolve. Finding the balance between the many hats you wear throughout your day. For me it is, being mom, being a wife,a friend, a daughter, a cook, a teacher, a housekeeper, a chearleader, a creator- the list could go on infinately.

Just for today, I feel I may have found that balance. Be the best mom I can be and give my girls wonderful memories of our time together. They are 2 and 3. These times only happen once and can never be recreated. NO DO-OVERS!!! Everything else that I can accomplish over that should be icing on the cake- Right.

Tell me how you define balance, or lack thereof, in your life right now? I would like to know.

Until next time- Peace Love and Light

Getting back in the Swing!

What better way to get back in the swing of things than a good ole fashioned blog hop! Here we go!

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Ummm- Month of the Time Bandits?!

I noticed that it has been a couple of weeks since I last blogged. Time really seems to run away sometimes. It also doesn't help that lately I feel as though my get up and go has got up and went!!! I have really had no desire to much of anything. Not to create, not to blog- nothing! I am going to make a concerted effort to change this situation. Doing these activities always make me feel alot better!

So- here we go- day one- back in the swing!

Peace, Love and Light

The Week of the Time Bandits

They did it again- The Time Bandits- they took all my time. My last post was on monday, almost a whole week. What can ya do?
Just start fresh, I suppose. Let's start with this blog hop! Wooo Hooo!!!

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